Thursday 26 December 2013

Sydney to Hoart News Updates 2013

Dear you,

I owe you an apology.  I'm sorry this site isn't better, and that I haven't updated it for 2013.

I want to thank you for visiting. Thanks for coming!

I wanted to let you know about how things are running in 2013.

If you have an iDevice you can grab the media updates from

If you have FaceBook you can grab the media updates from there:

If you have neither you can grab HTML or RSS from here:

I am not adding commentary this year, so if you just want the news as it breaks, enjoy!

Just a warning, if you are using FaceBook for updates, I have 300 free posts from RSS Graffiti, after that it cuts out unless donations are made to keep it going.  I only need US$5 and there's a donations link on the page.

Should be a good race.  Between study breaks and family commitments I'm really looking forward to keeping up with this years race. 


- Evan